Friday, January 8, 2016

Planner Freebie: Winter Purple, Blue, and Orange

This kit comes from taking the colors of the month for the three planners - blue, orange, and purple - and having a bit of fun with it.  Keeping with the winter theme added in snowflakes.

Please note that these stickers are only for personal use.  Feel free to share this post, as I might continue making them (okay, there's no might about that), but not the download link.  Make sure that your friends are coming to the post.

This freebie has been made for the Erin Condren Vertical Life planner and the Plum Paper Planner MAE option 1.  I believe, for the EC, they can fit the horizontal as well but will be taller as they are not sized for those dimensions.  There's a PDF file and a studio3 file so you can take which one you like.  The PDF is more if you're going to cut and use a glue runner / glue stick / Xylon sticker machine.  The studio3 file is for the Silhouette and cut lines are included.  If there are any problems, please leave a comment below.  I'll try to fix it, but I am a starting novice with my Silhouette machine.

I'd love to see what you do with the freebie!  Please tag / credit me as @planningwithlizzy on Instagram when you use them or leave a comment below with your spread.


ECLP Winter Freebie PDF
ECLP Winter Freebie studio3 
PPP Winter Freebie PDF
PPP Winter Freebie studio3

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Well, a bit of one.  I'm going to try to make sure I don't keep on skipping on keeping up the blog.  I don't know how realistic this is, but I'm going to try.  I've got a planner (two, really) so I can put it on a list and it'll get done.  Possibly a day late as I had this update on the plans for yesterday, but in a somewhat timely manner.

If you noticed I say I have two planners, they are a Plum Paper planner (MAE [Morning, Afternoon, Evening] format) and an Erin Condren Vertical Life planner.  The ECLP is my normal life planner while the PPP is my secondary and therefore healthy life planner.  I'm mentioning this because the blog is going to change a bit.  In edition to everything else, I'll be adding a freebie / how planning is going post.  This might only be once a month, but I am adding it into the schedule.

So, when it's ready, the first planner post will be up with a freebie.  There's also a new WriYe Blogging Circle topic, which will be up before Sunday, and I might also do a goals of 2016 post before the week is out.  Yes, it's a lot, but one of my goals of 2016 is to not let this blog go silent again.  Maybe nobody reads it, but that doesn't mean it can't be my space for what I need it to be.

Be on the lookout for posts and I hope everyone had a great holidays.

New Website

This blog will no longer be update. You can now find me at  my website  where I will be now doing updates. Thank you for following this...