I am going to have up a review post about Star Trek: Discovery as I have some strong feelings on it. I am just sort of sitting on my feels at the moment as I want to rewatch the pilot. I also have negative feelings on the fact that CBS is making us pay for the show but that's a tangent best for the post. Also, I plan on having more posts talking about things that I do on a normal basis, like Starbucks stuff and Avengers and everything that I love talking about. I just feel that it should be on a bigger scale. On this note, another reason for renaming the blog is that I am working towards having Words 'n Geekery be a podcast as well. I don't know when this is going to happen. I am slowly working on it now to get it up by the end of the year but it might be early 2018 because NaNoWriMo is coming.
credit memegenerator
I'm just here for the GoT memes, I know nothing about the show or the book outside of the first one. It's just not my thing, which... yeah. That might also be another topic coming up or it might be a podcast episode. We'll see. However, that's not all we're here to talk about today.
The second part of the post title says reclaiming goals. I set goals for myself at the beginning of this year and I'm slipping on them. This is okay because I'm starting to feel they're slipping because I'm not ready for the end result just yet. Like I wanted to get Mystery of the Dark out to publishing houses this year. This might still happen and I'm terrified. It might also be an early 2018 thing and I get less terrified. The being terrified part is not because it's new but because... I'm not a social person. I have issues putting myself out there when I need to be in front of people talking, even on a one on one basis, because my brain works better in writing format. I am better in email where I can go back and re-read what I've written a million times (or not) before sending it off. My brain freezes in front of people sometimes. So, I want to work on that and I think doing the podcast will help with that as well because, even with it not being a live audience, it's still an audience.
The next part is that I want to start having quarter goals as well as big year goals. So, with WriYe, we have the year sectioned into four quarters and they're much like the financial quarters. Quarter 1 is January through March, second one is April through June, third is July through September, and the fourth is October through December. Those are the four quarters of the year. For the last quarter that is coming up, I am going to make myself some quarter goals and do my best to stick with them. One of those quarter goals is going to be the same as the big year one that I have which is to get Mystery of the Dark out of the final editing stage to the push it out to publishers stage. It's just something that needs to get done. Another quarter goal is to read more. While I have been reading and reading slowly, I haven't been finishing books. So I'm going to try and read 1 new book and finish 1 book that I've been in the middle of for forever. Magic's Price, I'm looking at you, as you're the first big one I'm going to try this on.
So, it's stuff like that. I also have a quarter goal of blogging more and figuring out podcasting. We'll see how it goes. What are your quarter goals and what do you think of the rename? Feel free to leave comments down below as well as poking me on Twitter at CrescentLizzy. Until next time, keep on doing you.
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