If you couldn't tell by the title, this is going to be about speed writing. Now, I can speed write when I want to, past NaNos being done by the 15th being my evidence, but there are times when I don't want to. I like savouring how to write a novel and going over what I'm doing. Sometimes I drag my feet, because procrastination is nummy, but that's a subject for another time.
So, questions!
- How fast do you first drafts go?
Eh... it depends on how motivated I am in the end. Sometimes I want to get something done and therefore, it'll go fast. Other times, I'll get bored with a novel or distracted, like with a project called Prelude to a Kiss that I started in February for a challenge, and they just sit. Not that they sit finished, they sit unfinished. I really need to fix that. At least with that project, because I love the story behind it, but I do need to work on the getting first drafts done faster. If only so I can move onto a second and third draft and get something published.
- Do they take you a year? A month? Is your speed more of a NaNoWriMo style writing or trying to nail down each word perfectly the first time?
The first time I ever won NaNoWriMo, it was with a novel called Power. I did the 50,000 words in November and then it sat like a lump until next April/May. The reason behind that was because I was just feeling done, even though I had to write the ending. The only reason that it got finished was because I wanted a printed copy of it and that was one of the winner goodies. It's still back there at the NaNoWriMo draft, which I call a draft zero, and stuff needs to be done with it. However, it is done and I know I can do it within six to seven months. Which I feel is fast. Not James Patterson fast, but still fast.
- What suffers because of your speed?
The ability to use the correct tense dies a certain death. :D So does other proper grammar stuffs. But that's why there are second drafts and then third and so on.
Bonus: What was your shortest novel? Your longest? And what was the main problem in each?
Power was only 80,000 (on the nose, wow) and Mystery of the Dark is about 100K. The main problem in Power is the annoying grammar / tense issues. The issue of MoD is... well, it's MoD and annoying. :) Annoying to write. It's going to be awesome to read.
So, that's about it for now. Stay tuned for tomorrow and a post about fanfiction! :)
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