Thursday, September 4, 2014

New thoughts, new month - Welcome to September

So, it's the start of a new month, along with the start of a new school year for some, and this seems to be the time of year that I get flooded with plot bunnies.  It's like something turns on in my brain with the fall season more than any other season of the year.  Sure, I get some with spring and summer, but nothing like with fall.  It seems like anything I look at might be a good story.

Case in point, at the library, there's a book about ghost haunting places in Chicago.  Wouldn't it be a cool idea to research a story like that and tell it from the ghost's point of view?  Or even doing some research and doing a historical fiction novel about the Salem witch trials.  Although, I think that one has been done to death but it's an idea.  There's also the fact that I keep on reminding myself I want to research more into steampunk, which is not the easiest thing to do.  Well, it is if you read the genre, which I do, but otherwise?  It's kind of like fantasy; you make it up as you go along and hope that it all meshes in the end, I guess.

In speaking about story ideas, I'm realizing all I have left to do for the year.  I have stories that I want to finish up before jumping headfirst into NaNoWriMo with two story ideas - the steampunk one called Sky Pirates and a fantasy one called the Scribe's Daughter - and I'm trying to think on how it's going to get done.  Well, no, I know how it's going to get done because you sit your butt in the chair and write.  That's the simple answer.  I think it's more that I'm feeling overwhelmed and it's best to just take one project at a time.  So, here's the projects left and the order they're going to be written in:

~Mages and Sorcerers - Unofficial 3 Day Novel Project
~Hidden Scions - Novel I started writing in August
~Prelude to a Heart - fantasy/romance novel that I started in February.  Yikes.
~Mystery of the Dark 3.0 - my dhampir novel that really needs to get going or something.  This seems to get written whenever I want to write something that's not the other projects.  Lovely.

I could have sworn that I started more this year.  Maybe it just feels like more?  Or they were short stories here and there instead of novels.  Oh well.  So, that's the plan - finish what's already started.  Also, I'm not allowed to start anything else until November.  *laughs*  Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

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