Monday, January 16, 2017

Word for 2017: Human

I know that I'm late to the party to announcing it to the world - I'm part of a secret group on Facebook who already knows my word for the year - but I decided to get it off my chest. I say that because, even if I don't seem it, I am a private person at heart. I'm an introvert who masquerades as an extrovert because I have good phone skills and I don't shut down after being too long at a party. I just say that I'm good at adapting - it's a bit how nobody knew I was legally blind until a physical for a bowling team - but that's getting off track. Nobody should be surprised that I got off track that easily.

My word for 2017 is Human. It's inspired by the song from Christina Perri, as it's one of my comfort songs that I listen to when I'm having a really bad day, and it fit so perfectly into what I'm trying to do with 2017. I want progress, I don't want perfection, and if that isn't a bit human, I'm not sure what is. We fall down a lot, as a society or even as an individual, but we get up and move forward. We make progress and then smooth out the rough edges when we get there. However, it's in perfection that we lose sight of the journey, and I don't want to. I just want to keep moving forward, even if it's only writing 100 words a day or writing this blog post, or getting through a really rough page of editing.

Now, will I get frustrated with myself? Yep. However, I know what my frustration looks like so I can step back and figure out what's wrong. Maybe it'll take writing down what's going wrong in the story and figuring out that I need to set the novel back a bit. It doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing the version I'm working on in the moment because I have things that can be used in it. Is it what other writers do or is it recommended for everyone? No, but it's what I need to do for myself.

So, for you, dear reader, what's your word of 2017? What is the one word that seems to sum up how you want to see yourself at the end of the year or even the end of the month? Feel free to leave it below in the comments and, until next time, keep on writing.

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