Friday, July 13, 2018

Writing Space: the Library

My library is pretty cool. Along with being a place where there's a wide selection of books, it's a great place to plug in and get some writing done. I do love going there to write. It's a nice different place, it gets the juices flowing, but somethings things are loud on the first floor. It's really nobody's fault, because where I like to sit is more of the social area of the library. It's all these little tables sitting around and people like to sit and talk, so that's more on me than the library. If I go into the stacks, I can find quiet tables where I can plug in and write. Those are nice to focus but the place I really love is on the second floor.

On the second floor, they have these study / conference rooms that you can book for two hours. It's structured so you can get work done - a lot people who are in surrounding businesses use them a lot - and it's nice and quiet. Bonus being that I can play music without needing my headphones on.

It is a simple room and, if you ask, they'll give you markers for the white board. That's really helpful when I'm stuck in plot and don't want to write on paper. Or I forgot to bring paper with me. Just write it on the white board, snap a pic, and ta-da, problem solved. If you have the right plugs on your computer, you can hook it up to the TV in the room. I don't, on the Surface, but if I brought the big laptop, I would be able to plug in and play. It's really nice for those who are working on a school project, like I saw when I glanced into a room. That's the other thing - there are windows on the room, which I don't mind, but others might.

Anyways, I just thought I would share a nice writing space of mine. Where do you go to write? Drop me a comment and, until next time, keep on writing!

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