Friday, April 29, 2016

Vacation vs Writing

Hello from Indiana!  I'm outside my usual home base of Chicago to visit some friends.  We're all writers on some level and we all know what it takes to write a length of fiction.  However, that doesn't mean that we usually are writing when we all get together but we try to.  This made me, the person who cannot come up with blog topics to save her life (we'll talk about this later), think about writing vs vacation time.

Vacation time is when we usually get away from our jobs.  As a writer, your job is ongoing, unless you take a break from writing, which is not possible for me.  If I'm not actively writing, I'm creating new stories in my head.  I don't want to assume to say that it's like the same for other writers, but it could be.  Feel free to correct me if your writer mind is different, but, yeah, that's how I work.  When vacation comes around, I'm more in create mode instead of putting words on the page mode.

When I say vacation vs writing, it's more if I'm going to allow myself to take time off, even from creating, and just be.  Just relax.  Of course, that doesn't happen - mostly due to the fact that I can't turn my mind off - so this is going to end with writing winning all the time.  Not active writing, mind you, but the writing that is sometimes the most important.  The creating, the world building (as much as I hate it), and shaping characters into what they're supposed to be.

So, am I ever really on vacation from my job?  Nope, because creating is as a strong as part of me as actively writing out a chapter of novel.  Do I mind?  Not really, because I like living in my head.  Also, I think I would go crazy from not doing some sort of writing.

For you, dear readers, what about you?  Do you take active vacations from your writing projects?  Or are you more like me and create vs actual writing?  Tell me in the comments and I'll see you next time.

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