Monday, October 31, 2016

All NaNo Eve: The Importance of Backing Up Your Work

On this day before we all start writing our novels, a serious topic must be discussed. Mostly because I've seen this happen to friends and family alike. It's happened to people that I don't know and maybe you don't even know. It could even happen to you. Your computer decides that this is the day it bites the bullet. It can happen at anytime, especially during NaNoWriMo, and, if you haven't taken steps, you can lose all of the hard work that you've done.

However, there is hope. It's known as backing up your work. In this day and age, it's not only smart but insanely easy. There's OneDrive, Dropbox, and even Google Docs. You can buy a thumb drive to go on your keys for as low as a venti Starbucks Pike's Place and you should. There is no excuse to not back up your work and to do it every night before you turn off your computer. If you can set it up so your work automatically gets backed up to an online source, even better.

Now, you might be thinking "but Liz! Those can be hacked!" to which I go "then get a freaking thumb drive". There's no excuse people. None. While I will be sympathetic if your computer bites the dust, I will shake my head at you if you haven't backed up in some way. It's really not that hard.

So, yeah, getting off the soapbox now. Rest up my friends! NaNoWriMo comes. I'm starting at midnight central, what about you? Feel free to poke me on Twitter or Facebook or even blow in the comments. Until next time, happy writing!

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