Friday, April 7, 2017

Blogging A to Z: Fears (also Friday Five!)

I have some fears. Okay, a lot of them, but I feel they're rational. We're going to list them and then you can feel free to do so as well. You can either put it in the comments or hit me up on twitter at CrescentLizzy. So, here we go.

1. Falling. This used to be because I didn't want to hurt myself when I was heavier than I am now. I fall over the stupidest things too. The highest on the stupid things I've tripped and fallen over is a crack in the sidewalk. Me vs the sidewalk resulted in a hairline fracture in my nose (second broken bone ever!) and my hand feeling like it was broken. This was... a month, maybe less? before NaNoWriMo so, yeah, there was minor freak out about not being able to write because I'm a drama queen. First broken bone? Also a fall, at the Borders I worked at, and it was... two weeks / 10 days before Christmas? Big ass line too. That was lovely. The least stupid / most out of my control fall was when the stairs to the basement gave way and I fell with them to the basement. I got out of that with just a tweaked shoulder. However, now I hate falling / almost falling because people feel like they have to reach out and stop me from falling. It's sometimes worse than letting me fall because people have hurt me more than the fall would! I swear it's because of the cane, so, honestly people, let the blind person fall. It's going to be okay, you won't go to hell, but keep your hands to yourself. Thank you.

2. Death. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this. But, yeah, it's second on my list because, honestly, there are sometimes when I've fallen and I should have died. See the stairs to the basement and the time at Beloit where I fell down the spiral stone staircase. I swear I was a stunt double in my former life.

3. Bees / Wasps. Now, this is irrational. I hate the sound they make and how they look. I know they're helpful and all but just... no. Nope. No. Double fingers waving in the air no. It's one of the reasons I dislike summer too.

4. Bugs in general - however, I'm getting better at this one. I've been able to kill a couple of them without screaming too. I'm getting better on this one.

5. Last but not least - failure. Yep. I am so human in this and I know it. I have a big ass fear of failure, of not being able to get anyone to buy or be interested in my book (which is BS - I've got friends and family who love me enough to humor me to a point), so, yeah, I've got that going for me. I also know that it's coming because my series isn't all that original and it's drawing on vampires (I feel like they're cycling out?), so I will probably be rejected a lot of times. Yet I don't see that as failure (see the reject letters of a ton of famous authors) but as a badge of honor. Maybe failure in that would be no rejection letters but... yeah, I don't know guys. Just that, like falling, I really don't want to go through failure but it's going to happen. It just won't kill me.

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