Monday, November 21, 2016

NaNoWriMo Week 3 Recap

My apologies for not going into the start of week 3 with a week 3 hello post or something similar. If you saw from my postings last week, I got an idea in my head and went full speed ahead on it. Anyways, week 3 has come and gone. Unlike the dreaded week 2, week 3 is where you start to pick up steam again as you work on your novel.

You might also see that the even weeks suck and the odd weeks are awesome. Sadly, week 5 is a half week and not a full one. Noooo. But, you know, sometimes three days is enough to get to 50,000 words, so don't give up hope! Hell, don't give up hope even now because you've got a week and a half. You got this, even if you think you don't, and you should stop lying to yourself that you don't.

Week 3 is the week where we pick ourselves up and start back up the hill. Week 4 shouldn't be the week where everything goes downhill again. It might feel like that and I will give you some tips on how to make sure that doesn't happen. For the US people, we've got Thanksgiving and the hordes of family about to invade. We'll talk about how to make sure that you don't sacrifice your writing time completely. It might mean that you don't get a nap on Thursday, but we'll talk about that later.

So, my week 3 went amazingly well. I crossed the finish line on Friday but that doesn't mean that I'm stopping. I wrote another chapter on Saturday. I'm in the middle of a chapter now. You should be too. There's no reason to stop, unless your novel is finished, so you keep going. That's the week 3 recap - this is the week of get going and then continue to go.

Or, to put it in simple terms, Go Cubs Go!

Yes, I did do that. No, I don't care. It's still November, the World Series win happened in November, and it took 108 years to get there. If the Cubs can break a curse, then you can finish your damned novel.

See you next time when I'll have some tips for getting through Week 4 and the Family Horde. Keep on writing and back up your work!

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