Friday, November 11, 2016

Ugh, Week 2...

I'm just going to say it. Week two of NaNoWriMo always sucks. Always. It always happens that, this week, I feel horrible and I write like a slug. Sometimes I'm able to push it off until week three, but not this year. The good news is that I'm writing. I am always writing a small bit but I'm not getting anything completely done. I'll probably push through this weekend and try to write all of the words. But right now? I just feel horrible.

Part of it is the election. I'm not going to lie and say it's not effecting me, because it is, but that's not all of it. Some of it is the fact that I'm at that part of my novel where I'm like "why?". Why am I writing, who is going to read this, is it going to matter, and so on and so forth. I'm usually farther along in the book before this hits. I'm only in chapter six. Bah. However, the reason I'm writing this book right now? The characters keep on bugging me and I feel like I'm writing something that I want to read. The heck with everyone else, this is my book and if I'm the only one (aside from Erin the amazing editor) who reads it, then ta-da, I did it. One of the things about writing is that you're sometimes writing the story that you want to read and you pick up all the other writers along the way.

So, yeah, if you're feeling like you just want to give up? DON'T. JUST DON'T. Push through this hard part. You'll get through it. You will. Just keep on writing and let the bad words come. Let the horrible words come. The most important things is that you're getting words onto the page. That's the best thing that you can do.


  1. Visiting from ChiWriMo. I love the background! It's green and has a baseball. These are two awesome things. We need more green, and we need more baseball. GO CUBBIES!

    1. Thank you!! Always need more green and baseball. I follow a twitter account that's counting down the days to opening day. :)


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