Saturday, December 10, 2016

My Favorite Drink: Eggnog

Okay, show of hands, who doesn't like a good eggnog? It doesn't have to be boozy or it does, because it tastes really good that way too, with some whipped cream and nutmeg on top. Or even some cinnamon, if you're being daring, but it's a really good drink.

Here's my recipe for it - go to your nearest store, buy a carton with a good date, some whipped cream, and head on home. Optional - head to the liquor part of the store and pick up brandy if you need it. At home, if you're putting brandy in, that goes in first. Then pour in eggnog and add some nutmeg. Stir, taste, add a splash more eggnog and stir again. Put whipped cream on top and, after giving some whipped cream to the dog, more nutmeg. Ta-da, a drink.

If you want to make your own, I recommend Alton Brown's Eggnog Recipe which does call for 3 ounces of bourbon, so there you go. I never made an eggnog recipe in my life, but it sounds good. Time consuming, but good.

Well, until next time, raise a glass for me and happy holidays!

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