Thursday, December 1, 2016

The December Blog Project: Blogmas

Yes, blogmas. Blogmas is where a blogger writes and posts a Christmas themed post everyday up until Christmas. While this is my plan and I will probably succeed, there will still be the talking about writing posts. It's taking the idea of blogmas and turning it over on it's head.

Why, do you ask? Well, because, if you're reading this (thank you, by the way!), then you know this is a blog about writing and books. Sure, it's been more about the writing than the reading (even though I am reading, it's just at the molasses stage), but that's what this blog is at the core. So we're going to be doing a compromise and this will also help you, dear reader, in case you don't want to read any sort of Christmas posts. That's your right and you are more than free to ignore the rest that goes on.

Monday and Wednesday will be when I will post / talk about writing. It's following what will be my normal schedule come 2017 with possibly another post thrown in randomly. I do want to get into this idea of posting what I'm working on / word count in a project on Sundays but I'm not 100% sure about if I will or not. So, basically, Mondays and Wednesdays will become the dedicated "Yes, there is a post here!" days of the blog.

For December, until Christmas Day, all the rest of the days will have Christmas in them somehow. It might be just a little speck to the entire post being about the holiday. I will try to make it more general happy holidays but I can't promise anything because I celebrate Christmas. I also celebrate the winter solstice / Yule but that's to a lesser degree than the other holiday. I just sort of celebrate it and be merry.

So, that's the plan for the month. We'll get into blogmas post 2 tomorrow and go from there. Until then, keep on writing!

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